Saturday, January 14, 2012


As my doodle shows, VISION refers to the destination. This answers the question "where do you want to go?" or "what do you want to be?"

"a rich man" 

MISSION refers to the path that you will follow to reach your vision. This answers the questions "how do you reach your vision?" or "what path are you taking to reach your vision?"

"be a rich man by being a successful business man!" 

GOALS are markers along the path that tells you, you are in progress towards your vision. These are your checklist that you have to watch out.

"start my own business. earnings of this much by year 3. have 10 branches by year 10..."

Since Chinese New Year is still happening next week, it is not yet late to finalize our goals for 2012. 
And my Life Group talked about yesterday, as Paul shared to us the diagram above, differentiating Vision, Mission and Goals and identifying the importance and the interdependence of each element to each other.

What we focus on is the GOALS part, which has to be SMART! 
S - specific - what? who? where? when? 
M - measurable - what are the criteria? 
A - actionable - what are the action plans?
R - realistic - is this realistic to you? 
T - timely - when is your deadline?

now, are you ready to set your goals this 2012? 
or in some case, you may check your goals if they are SMART! :) 


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