Monday, January 9, 2012


I was reading a John Maxwell book about being a good team player.

Chapter 2 talks about COLLABORATION.

Collaboration is working together aggressively.
Cooperation is working together agreeably.

According to it, becoming a collaborative team player requires a change in focus in 4 areas:
1. Perception - See teammates as COLLABORATORS, not as COMPETITORS.
2. Attitude - Be SUPPORTIVE, not SUSPICIOUS to team mates.
3. Focus - Concentrate on the TEAM, not on YOURSELF.
4. Result - Create VICTORIES through MULTIPLICATION.

This chapter really struck me, because of the following, which not everybody knows about me.
1. When I was working with a person that I don't enjoy being with, I am not that cooperative and supportive of his/her efforts.
2. I enjoy working alone, I think that my work become slower and less effective when others are involved.
3. I am a suspicious person in nature (sorry!). Sometimes, I can't help myself looking at the dark side.
4. Most of the time in making decisions, the "what's-in-it-for-me?" question is a consideration.

Thus, I am not a collaborative team player. Or am I even a team player?

This 2012, I promise myself that I will enhance this area of mine.

But how to do that?
The book also suggest some tips to become a collaborative team player.
1. Think win-win-win. I win, you win, the team wins!
2. Complement others. Work together with a person who has strengths in the area of my weakness.
3. Take myself out of the picture. Get in a habit of asking what's the best for the team, not whats convenient for me.

In summary, I have to be selfless, think more of others and always put in mind the bigger goals that has to be accomplished. 

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